Monday, May 7, 2007

Today's forecast - happy!

Yes I admit it, I am cheerful and happy today. Shocking I know, it's been a long time. I spent the weekend massively cleaning my house. I mean some major cleaning got done (and not completed yet). Went to a BBQ at K&M's last night and just am starting to feel like good ole Stina again. What a relief! Now what I am hoping for is a - low low beta this week and b-PMS. Yes our old friend AF is welcome here any day now. For me that will symbolize the end to this angels will be with me but not with me.

I booked my first acupuncture visit today as week. It will be on the 23rd before my appointment with Dr. Hudson. That will be a productive day I hope. I am very excited to see how acupuncture works for me. I also got Randine Lewis' book 'The Infertility Cure' and anotehr book on TTC called 'Inconceivable' today. Excited to dive into both.

So things are looking up. I am going to take advantage of the sunshine and go get my chores done and take Jess on the trampoline.

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